Charities and Not for Profit Organisations
We offer services for Charities
and Not for Profit Organisations
At FCC, we have amassed a wealth of experience dealing with the many accounting and financial reporting issues faced by both charities and Not for Profit Organisations. We provide audit, financial reporting, tax and advisory services to help your organisation fulfil its legal and statutory obligations and to support your board and senior management.
We work with our clients to identify and manage their business issues and the risks arising from their operational, fundraising and financial activities. Understanding our clients’ activities and the issues which they face is fundamental to our audit approach. We do this by meeting with your people, not just in the finance department but across the key functional areas, to talk about strategy, current developments, risks and controls.
Charities in Ireland operate in a regulated environment governed by the Charities Regulatory Authority. We have significant experience in preparing annual financial statements under Charity SORP. These financial statements will be widely viewed and used by the many stakeholders involved in these types of organisations. The priority here is financial stewardship, transparency and strong corporate governance.
Audit and Financial Reporting
Our audit and financial reporting services include:
- Access to experienced professionals with specialist expertise in the charities and not-for-profit sector
- Independent assessment and full auditing services. For each audit we undertake, we provide a team of accountants with relevant sector experience led by a partner with vast experience in this area. While statutory requirements inevitably shape our audit reporting, our teams go that bit further to deliver the very best service
- Preparation of your financial statements in accordance with the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)
- Assurance that your organisation’s restricted reserves are appropriately identified and adequately disclosed
Our team adopts a friendly approach, while maintaining the highest degree of professionalism and adherence to technical standards.
Board and Senior Management Support
Your board is responsible for ensuring that your organisation adopts and implements an appropriate framework and strategy to meet its legal and compliance obligations. Drawing on our detailed knowledge of the charity and not for profit sector, FCC will assist your board and senior management by:
- Advising on steps required to meet your legal and ethical obligations including compliance with the requirements of the Charities Act, Charities Regulatory Authority, Governance Code, Code of Good Practice for Fundraising and other relevant guidelines and best practice
- Monitoring your charity's financial performance against budget and providing accurate up to date financial information
- highlights steps that should be considered to enhance the quality and frequency of management information supplied to the board
- Assisting with the preparation of your Directors/Trustees Reports
- Advising on charity and corporate taxation, including long term tax planning, tax efficient fundraising, VAT etc.
- Advising on the integration of your organisation’s software applications.
- Suggests practical measures to increase accountability and transparency across the organisation
At FCC, adding value is a key a part of what we do. With impending changes in the charities sector, we keep our clients informed. If you would like to discuss how FCC can assist your organisation, please contact a member of our team.